Friday, March 16, 2007

Tanda2 Kiamat [part1]

I pick this up somewhere im my received forwarded mail.

Masjid dijadikan jalan iaitu seseorang muslim melalui masjid tanpa melakukan solat
"Masjid dijadikan sebagai jalan-jalan dan timbulnya mati mendadak" - Hasan At-Tayalisy
  • remember fly kt koleq? it was late night anyway, why would anyone be in a mosque at that time of hour. (tok siak locks everything up, theres no way to enter)
Manusia mewarnai rambut di kepalanya dengan warna hitam supaya kelihatan muda"Pada akhir zaman akan muncul suatu kaum yang mencelupi rambut mereka dengan warna hitam seperti 'bulu merpati' yang mereka itu tidak akan mencium bau syurga." - Sahih Abu Daud & Nasai
  • what happen to those who straighten their hair? highlights?
Pemimpin yang terdiri dari orang yang jahil dan fasik .Hadis Nabi
  • this one no question.
Zina bermaharajalela "Dan tinggallah manusia-manusia yang buruk, yang seenaknya melakukan persetubuhan seperti himar (keldai). Maka pada zaman mereka inilah kiamat akan datang." - Sahih Muslim
  • no comment
Ramai orang menuntut ilmu kerana pangkat dan kedudukan Hadis Nabi
  • this has been going on for ages. from our nenek2.
to be continued..


Lulu Zacott said...

finally ada jugak org come up w that 'no dye hitam' hadith.i've always known that but nobody bliv me. straightening n hilites?unfortunately some ppl came up w convincing HUJAH to allow these stuffs to be halal. what to argue when its also ur desires kan?

zina plak..ha y no comment? hehe sounds scary eh when its been pointed out.a fool isnt really a fool and a wise man isnt realy wise when battling w lusts.bole je repent since pintu taubat tutup bile matahari start terbit belah barat..but who wld know when will death comes kan?

Anonymous said...

ediie..nice effort dude..go on..

SalamMedia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

keep it on..

SalamMedia said...

miss nazrin: theres always gonna be excuse for things we like. about the zina topic, have you read the recent statistic? 80% not virgin among problematic child. hence no comment. (80% is like party animals ok)

anon: thanks

Lulu Zacott said...

and that is the most rapid + longest surviving trend ever..even nowadays mother's concern wld be "just dont get pregnant pls". hehe its rather interesting to know how many virgins left la instead~ =p

SalamMedia said...

"dont get pregnant"..hehe. reminds me of someone