Tuesday, March 27, 2007

If Life Was Easy

just a reminder. (actually i have no time to write. hehe)
If we succeeded, we would become arrogant
and start looking down on others.

If life was easy, we would stop knocking on His door
something we never stopped doing before.

If we were wealthy, we would stop donating to the poor
thinking it is rightfully ours.

If we were such good PRs, we would deem others who are not beneficial for us
as insignificant.

If we were praised
our hearts become inflated
our face starts to bloom
don't we realize
it's just because they don't know
who we really are?

If we were insulted
our chest become constricted
our face starts to blush
do we forget
for whom we were doing the action for?

If we got the 'thing' we wanted
more and more time we spend on it
less and less time we spend with Allah
more and more attachment to the khalq
less and less attachment with the Haqq.

If we were loved by people
we would remember more of insaan
we would forget more of Ar-Rahmaan

If we had great leadership capabilities
would we really invite them to the light
and would we really invite them to The Light
or we would manipulate them to our own cause.

If we ceased to fall, and ceased to slip
we would have stoned hearts, and dry eyes
for repentance is a gift, for only those who realize.
For even in the things we don't have .. all praise is
to Allah .. there's so much to be thankful for ..

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Importance of Ablution

'Abdullah ibn as-Sunnabiji stated that the Messenger of Allah said, "When a slave makes ablution and rinses his mouth, his wrong deeds fall from it. As he rinses his nose, his wrong deeds fall from it. When he washes his face, his wrong deeds fall from it until they fall from beneath his eyelashes. When he washes his hands, his wrong deeds fall from them until they fall from beneath his fingernails. When he wipes his head, his wrong deeds fall from it until they fall from his ears. When he washes his feet, his wrong deeds fall from them until they fall from beneath his toenails. Then his walking to the mosque and his prayer give him extra reward." (Related by Malik, an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and al-Hakim.)

According to chinese acupuncture, there are 700 + points and 66 of them are drastic spots. only 61 are in the zone required by ablution. 5 however are from knee to ankle (theres a hadith to second this but i couldnt find).

Ablution acts as "hydro-massage" other than to wash and hydrate.

Mouth > this is obvious. washing mouth removes food particles which cause gums, ulcers etc. Nabi PBUH also introduces siwak before ablution.

Nostrils > nostrils are like air filters. clean them regularly so germs dont pass to your respiratory system.

Face > face is related to intestines, stomach and bladder. washing face will have a positive effect on the nervous and reproductive systems.

Arms > because we touch lot of things in our daily life and we have lots of organism on our skin.

Right Leg > connected to osseous system, intestine, nervous system, lumbar area, stomach, pancreas, gall-bladder, thyroid gland, solar plexus and others. washing them is to cool and to refresh.

Left Leg > connected to the pituitary gland also the brain organ that regulates the functioning of the endocrine glands and controls growing. washing them has the same effect as above

Legs > to prevent us from athlete's foot. a sunnah of Nabi PBUH is also to wash between toes thoroughly

Ears > washing ear’s cochlea can harmonize the work of almost all organs, decrease high blood pressure and relieve tooth and throat pain

Over all, ablution also has an exercising effect on all the muscles involved in its movement, which are thus being stimulated five times a day or even more according to repetition.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Tanda2 Kiamat [part1]

I pick this up somewhere im my received forwarded mail.

Masjid dijadikan jalan iaitu seseorang muslim melalui masjid tanpa melakukan solat
"Masjid dijadikan sebagai jalan-jalan dan timbulnya mati mendadak" - Hasan At-Tayalisy
  • remember fly kt koleq? it was late night anyway, why would anyone be in a mosque at that time of hour. (tok siak locks everything up, theres no way to enter)
Manusia mewarnai rambut di kepalanya dengan warna hitam supaya kelihatan muda"Pada akhir zaman akan muncul suatu kaum yang mencelupi rambut mereka dengan warna hitam seperti 'bulu merpati' yang mereka itu tidak akan mencium bau syurga." - Sahih Abu Daud & Nasai
  • what happen to those who straighten their hair? highlights?
Pemimpin yang terdiri dari orang yang jahil dan fasik .Hadis Nabi
  • this one no question.
Zina bermaharajalela "Dan tinggallah manusia-manusia yang buruk, yang seenaknya melakukan persetubuhan seperti himar (keldai). Maka pada zaman mereka inilah kiamat akan datang." - Sahih Muslim
  • no comment
Ramai orang menuntut ilmu kerana pangkat dan kedudukan Hadis Nabi
  • this has been going on for ages. from our nenek2.
to be continued..

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sifat2 Munafik

most ustaz will say there's 3. which are,
  • apabila dia bercakap dia bohong
  • apabila dia diberi amanah dia mengkhianati
  • apabila dia berjanji dia mungkir janji
correct. but its actually 4. the fourth on is somehow kept or either overlooked and its
  • apabila dia bergaduh dia berlebih2
if im not mistaken, this is one of Rasulullah SAW hadith. i used to remember this by heart and thank God its still there, eventhough it took quite sometime to recall.

having posted this, what do you make our leaders? does pak Lah have these criteria? think.. until then, salamz.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Introduction to Tazqirah

as far as we're concerned, im not a holy man. many of my sins are unforgivable (but God is merciful). but here i am writing you tazqirahs. (i somehow feel like laughing..monyet!)

what changed me? nothing. im just like any ordinary muslim. ive heard my callings numerous time, but i ignored. now is better than never.

what will this be about? i am hard core science. i only believe in things i see (mostly) and researched myself. this blog only documented my findings and not to preach people. i will touch all aspect of Islam (fields i find amusing).

i said, not to preach people but why is it tazqirah? i wanted jauhari.blogspot.com but its taken. this is the second name i came across.

feel free to correct me if im wrong.